OCTAQUAKE Logistics LLC. - Information

  • Busienss class: 倉儲物流
  • Address:
    12F-G, No.2, Jhonghua 4th Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  • Email:
  • Website: https://www.octaquake.com
  • Booth: 12F-G
  • Last Modify: 2023/02/08
  • Score (0-10): 4.8
Quick IntroYour North American logistics bridge, safety, efficiency, and professionalism will help you become more competitive in the market. Focusing on customs declaration, freight forwarding, logistics integration and truck and rail transportation services for imports into the United States, Octaquake Logistics is an agent in Taiwan for business contact and customer relationship services, and 8 Loop Transport Inc., an American partner, is responsible for the actual transportation operations.
Business cards
Score chart
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Local Store
  • Email :
  • Address :
    12F-G, No.2, Jhonghua 4th Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  • VAT Number : 90292605
  • Business Hours : Mon~Fri 09:00~18:00
  • Yampiz Local Store
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  • Comodo Secure
    The sensitive data transmission adopts by SSL-2048 authenticated encryption.
  • Copyright
    © 2009 YamPiz Digital Inc. & Jaby Group. All rights reserved.
  • Revised Version
    23 Jul 2024 (GMT+8)