Contact Us

Cooperation proposal and contact system

You don't know if you don't try it, you will become a customer once you try it! Our transportation service can stand your test. Welcome to consult the price and trial order. The service window has Chinese and English for accurate communication.

Let us know how we can help you grow your business.

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Local Store
  • Email :
  • Address :
    12F-G, No.2, Jhonghua 4th Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  • VAT Number : 90292605
  • Business Hours : Mon~Fri 09:00~18:00
  • Yampiz Local Store
    This service architecture and content service provider.
  • Auto Platform
    For better browsing experience, it will auto detects your device to display webpage.
  • Bug Report
    Tell us about the idea, problem and errors you found.
  • Comodo Secure
    The sensitive data transmission adopts by SSL-2048 authenticated encryption.
  • Copyright
    © 2009 YamPiz Digital Inc. & Jaby Group. All rights reserved.
  • Revised Version
    23 Jul 2024 (GMT+8)